2011年7月27日 星期三

鞋楦製作 Making shoe lasts

The soul of the shoe- The last

鞋楦 = 製作鞋子的模型。類似腳的形狀,無論在設計師前段設計鞋款、師傅後段成型製作以及底廠製作大底模型,楦頭都扮演著中心人物的角色。所以只要是身為鞋子製造者的任何一個環節的人員,都必須對楦頭有基礎的認識,尤其是設計人員!一個好的鞋款設計師對於楦頭更是需要有相當程度的了解,很多人都誤會楦頭全是技術師傅的責任,但是真正一開始決策楦頭線條形狀的卻是鞋款設計師。

The last is an abstract form in the close shape of the human foot. It plays significance role for designers or manufactures, no matter in design stage, lasting or bottom molding. Anyone who is working in any part of shoe manufacturing process should have basic knowledge of shoe last, especially footwear designer. In fact, a good footwear designer must have well knowledge of the last. Many people consider technicians should take fully responsibility for the last, but designers are responsible for it as well due to they are the one who make the decision of the shape of last.


There’s difference between experienced footwear designers and regular graphic designers by the appearance of finished shoe, even use same last with the same upper design. Further, compare with fitting comfort, and you can see the value of good footwear designers.


In early days, the last is made from wood, and throughout the history have been made from other materials like high density plastic or cast iron, and different materials have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, wooden lasts are the shoemaker’s favorite. Most of manufacturers are based on original last (footnote 1) to do last grading for production, per size corresponds with its own last except improper half size. (footnote 2).


Shoe last making process:



(A) The first step of last making is making sure of the shape and heel height, because the shape of the feet alters by different heel height. You should stand in relax position and open your legs shoulder-wide and equalize the weight on both feet.




(B) The first step of foot model making is mixing alginate with cool water and controlling the temperature under 18 degree celsius, because colder water will slow the setting process extends working time. However, the temperature can’t be too cold or the feet shrink and it’s the factor affect the accuracy of foot mold. Then put the triangle pad into mold box, then stand in relax position and open your legs shoulder-wide and equalize the weight on both feet, then pour the ingredients into the box.

 (C) 通常會在前掌上方放置一個斜板木塊,用來節省藻膠粉的用量,藻膠粉凝固時間大約是在20分鐘。(所以想要幫自己訂做屬於自己的腳楦,嘿嘿嘿...可要先健身運動練練腿力才可以....,不然很容易前功盡棄滴~~~)   

(C) Normally, there will be a wood slant board above the fore foot for saving the amount of the ingredients. Further, it takes around 20 minutes to completely solidify.


(D) 20分鐘後....恭喜你解脫啦!!(快去旁邊坐做伸展操或是趕快躺平休息吧)哈哈哈.....雙腳在拔模的時候需要注意拔模前(已經確定藻膠體已經完全硬化的情況下),雙腳先輕微攪動腳趾,感覺鬆開後再稍微用力往下壓 (別用太多吃奶力阿~~稍微就好~~不然你又要再多站20分鐘 and 多花幾張小朋友了) ,稍微用力是為了爭取一些小空間方便雙腳拔出,雙腳緩慢從模具裡移出(如果太過心急速度太快導致藻膠體被破壞....一樣恭喜你,重新再來20分鐘 and多 花點小朋友)

(D) Making sure of the ingredients has completely solidified before you pull out your feet. At first moving your toes slightly then push just a little bit harder after feeling loose, and it is for getting more space to pull out the foot easier. It is very important that you need to pull out your feet slowly, otherwise the mold might be broken then you need to go through all the process all over again.



(E) The next thing is casting a solid mold. To liquefy redstone powder, and pour it into the hollow mold, then hammer at the mold to squeeze out the air. Then wait for 2 hours to let the liquid entirely dry.




(F) When the foot mold has been taken out, then scrape the powder off slightly, and revamp small holes of the surface, and the mold is finished.

Aluminum last

Plastic last
(G) 而上述的腳模型楦還不能進入實際打樣或是量產階段,必須經過人工或是電腦取得平均數據並將人體腳型楦的線條重新調整成左圖的形狀才算完成。

(G) The mold is not ready for sampling or production. It needs to be adjusted via statics and reshaped.


[1] The first last is developed by brand new shoe styles or bottoms, then modified and confirmed by designers and technicians via profile, technical setup, fitting trial or size setting and we call it prototype last.

例如:8 號與 8.5 號可能是同一只楦頭製作而成,但8.5 的鞋款鞋墊改用較薄的尺寸替代以增加鞋內空間,消費者穿著上會有8.5 號大一點的錯覺...,業界稱這種做法叫做假半碼。

[2] Considering the cost of whole size run lasts, some of manufactures don’t arrange the last for each size, half size especially. So the factory will use full size last to produce half-size shoe. For instance, use the last of size 8 and make the midsole thinner in order to make more space of the shoe. So when consumer wears the half-size shoe could feel it’s bigger than size 8.

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