Shree Moni- Spring in |
在2007年,Shree Moni 這個品牌在美國誕生。此品牌精神是充滿著女性浪漫主義的,品牌創辦人Shari從小受灰姑娘玻璃鞋故事的影響,認為鞋對女生來說是非常重要的,ㄧ雙好鞋讓女生穿了可以有神聖的感覺。因此將高跟鞋的細節內容比喻跟女人ㄧ樣有自己獨特的形狀輪廓與姿態曲線,就是要讓女生藉著此品牌高跟鞋可以更有自信光采,更柔美的踏出屬於自己獨特氣質的女人味。
The owner of Shree Moni collection Shari, inspired by the "glass slipper" story told to her when she's little, she know how significant the shoe is in making a woman feel divine. So she started to conceptualize the line in early 2007. The goal was to design a shoe with a high fashion, avant-garde flair. It was important to recapture femininity within footwear; women have such a presence and an undeniable aura, just like a well-crafted shoe. The complex details of shoe design mimic the femininity of the woman with its form, poise, curve and silhouette. She wants every woman to exude blossoming femininity and perfect splendor with each step made.
The owner of Shree Moni collection Shari, inspired by the "glass slipper" story told to her when she's little, she know how significant the shoe is in making a woman feel divine. So she started to conceptualize the line in early 2007. The goal was to design a shoe with a high fashion, avant-garde flair. It was important to recapture femininity within footwear; women have such a presence and an undeniable aura, just like a well-crafted shoe. The complex details of shoe design mimic the femininity of the woman with its form, poise, curve and silhouette. She wants every woman to exude blossoming femininity and perfect splendor with each step made.
在2008年的夏天,經過國外客戶的介紹,認識了品牌創辦人Shari 並且接下了這個設計案,經過工作相處下來發現,她的個性與穿著打扮跟品牌Shree Moniㄧ樣,充滿浪漫熱情與豐富色彩。當然,她非常~~非常的愛穿高跟鞋,有時候因為工作時需要(長時間在材料市場搜尋資訊材料或是需要跑工廠)而勉強穿上休閒運動的鞋子。但是工作只要一結束後,不管任何的活動即使只是下樓去吃個晚餐,也會堅持要先回飯店換上高跟鞋。她認為高跟鞋是被賦予帶給女性更多的自信與美麗。
In summer 2008, one of our clients recommend us to Shari and that's how we met. We discovered that she dressed like Shree Moni when we worked together. She exudes blossoming femininity and perfect splendor, the vigor of self-defined style, and the exploration of expression. She loves wearing high heels very much, she thinks high heels makes woman beautiful and confident.
In summer 2008, one of our clients recommend us to Shari and that's how we met. We discovered that she dressed like Shree Moni when we worked together. She exudes blossoming femininity and perfect splendor, the vigor of self-defined style, and the exploration of expression. She loves wearing high heels very much, she thinks high heels makes woman beautiful and confident.
跟 Shree Moni 的設計案--是針對2009春夏的鞋款作一系列的設計。而設計的主題訂為→ 巴黎的春天。
設定這主題的原因是因為 SHARI 她時常到處旅行,眾多國家中尤其對巴黎特別有感情,因為巴黎這個城市符合她浪漫多彩的個性以及她對於品牌想要堅持的精神,所以她也決定將利用這次設計案的主題產品為她的品牌重新在媒體上公開發布以及宣傳。此次的設計要求:(一)希望將巴黎城市裡的元素結合在鞋款裡。(二)設計的鞋款高度必須在4吋以上。
Summer 2009 collection theme is "Spring in Paris". The owner travels a lot and she loves Paris the most. Because she feels the city has some things in common with the brand. So there're two main principles in the collection: one is transforming the elements of Paris into the shoes, the other is heel height must up to 4 inches.
跟Shree Moni合作覺得挺過癮的,因為除了材料來源來可以採用歐洲一些特殊效果外(很多品牌都有成本考量,所以在材料成本上都會盡量已接近工廠產地為主),品牌對於用色及配件元素的方面也給了很大的自由,所以無論在設計或是開發方面工作,可發揮的空間非常大。(不過當然還是要以市場接受度作考量)。所以我們針對2009年的春夏作出了以下產品:
It is a pleasure to work with the brand, not only using distictive materials imported from Italy(some brands use local material mainly due to lower production cost), but also the owner value originality that we can create the collection freely. Here Some shoes from the collection are below:
這款鞋叫 les Champs-Élysée。在巴黎的香榭大道上充滿著豪華的商店以及辦公室,鞋款訴求是讓你穿這款鞋走在大道上,不論是逛街或是去上班都不失禮,端莊又帶點俏皮,很難讓人不被注視到。
The shoe called Les Champs-Élysées. It's one of the most famous streets in the world with shops and offices. When you walk at the street with it, no matter you're in the shops or office, it's hard not to be ingored.
這款高跟鞋的特色在於腳背上的似三角形的花瓣狀,靈感來自於羅浮宮最有名的三角形建築,於是取決這個元素把它運用在這款鞋上,並命名這款鞋為 Lourve。而且這款鞋後來還受了美國90年代知名女子團體 EnVouge 的青睞,穿著參加好萊烏明星琥碧戈柏在ABC電視台的帶狀節目The View。節目片段參考
The triangle petals on the instep was inspired by the Louvre Pyramid, so the shoe called Lourve. Furthermore, En Vogue recently wore the shoes on ABC's The View.
講到巴黎總是令人ㄧ提的就是紅磨坊,而這款改編自牛津鞋款式以及雙色搭配的鏡面小羊皮所帶出的搶眼華麗感,與紅磨坊的華麗歌舞秀精神搭配。而這款鞋的名字就叫Moulin Rouge。
In Paris, people always mention about Mouline Rouge. This oxford reformation heels with patent lamb skin brings Moulin Rouge luxurious touch.
此鞋款命名為Rue De Rivoli. 是參考巴黎有名的商業街名。許多世界知名品牌的商店都慕名並進駐在這條街裡。而我們希望讓消費者有自信穿這雙鞋走在這條眾多品牌的街上,仍可跳脫出自己的獨特。這款鞋的鞋面效果乍看像是編織面,其實是在皮料上利用特殊印刷技術以及微小的沖孔工序達成的視覺效果,加上整雙鞋子清爽的顏色搭配讓這個春夏更加涼爽。
Rue de Rivoli is a famous commercial street of Paris whose shops include the most fashionable names in the world. So we named the shoe Rue de Rivoli, it represent your unique presence, and step out with confidence. The vamp is like weaving, but actually it is the visual effect from one kind of leather with particular printing and perforation, and the fresh colors makes summer cooler.
另外我們還針對該品牌設計了包包款式搭配鞋 子銷售。
Rue de Rivoli is a famous commercial street of Paris whose shops include the most fashionable names in the world. So we named the shoe Rue de Rivoli, it represent your unique presence, and step out with confidence. The vamp is like weaving, but actually it is the visual effect from one kind of leather with particular printing and perforation, and the fresh colors makes summer cooler.
包包款式設計 The bag collection |
We also design some bags for matching the shoes on the side.
●美國90年代知名女子團體 EnVouge 參加好萊烏明星琥碧戈柏在ABC電視台的帶狀節目The View時也穿著該品牌鞋款。節目片段參考。