Hush Puppies 創立於1958年,創立動機是創始人在一場朋友的聚會上,發現小玉米球可以讓愛吠的 巴吉度犬停止吵鬧。(愛吠的狗常常被用來隱喻因為穿了不合式的鞋子而疼痛不舒服的腳),所以創始人就將這個聚會上的經驗想法運用在休閒鞋上,從此以後 Hush Puppies就成為舒適休閒鞋的象徵。
Hush Puppies was established in 1958, the creator was in a gathering that the farmers threw hush puppies (tranditional tried southern cornballs) at the hounds to quiet their barking dogs. Then he saw a connetion to his product by an idiom "barking dogs" for sore feet. So he considered his new shoes were so comfortable that they could "quiet barking dogs", then the brand became instantly recognizable as a comfy casual staple.
我們很可愛吧 Are't we cute? |
Hush Puppies 可以說是美國休閒風的佼佼者。宗旨是不斷地嘗試將樂趣跟舒適的休閒生活哲學延伸到鞋子上,並且訴求的是一雙可以從平日工作到週末休閒都可以穿的鞋子。在1958年推出的軟麂皮革( Soft suede)也就是我們業界說的反毛皮,因為皮料質感柔軟在加上好的絲光度等所以很快就被推舉成新樣式休閒風代表。
Hush Puppies is one of the world's most popular casual footwear brands. The ami is appling the philosophy of fun and comfortable style to everyday shoes it makes. The company uses patented technology to give its shoes unique features(more comfortable and lightweight). Its Worry-Free Suede® uses a tanning process that makes shoes resistant to scuffs, stains and water damage. The brand made "worryfree" a benchmark of it's shoes and attitude.
It's a pleasure to collaborate with the brand. On the one hand we are animal lovers also thinking the logo is so lovely, and the other hand is it is surprising that we could have the opportunity to work with it.
這次設計案的訴求重點...除了延續 Hush Puppies固有的精神以及品牌特色外並且希望能降一點年齡層,因為這次主要的市場是放在大陸市場,所以希望透過亞洲的設計團隊操刀融入一些大陸市場容易接受的因素。老實說大陸市場對於新鮮事物的接受度其實是挺高的,只要品牌定位以及產品特色夠清楚,就很快能夠融入。
基於這個特點再加上 Hush Puppies 是這麼有知名度的品牌情況下,一開始我們就給它很「衝」,希望能用豐富配色或是結合其他類型鞋款紙版作融合,以達到降低年齡層以及轉換休閒鞋的既有形象....也計畫在楦頭上做一些改變,但也可能是一下子改變太多了,公司方面希望不要那麼「衝」,能稍微再收回來一點.....。
According to those features, we devise some strong images and want to use rich color combinations or some fusions of different styles of uppers. We want to lower age group and switch the basic appearance of casual shoes, also adjust the shape of the last. Perhaps we want to change too many things, the company wanted us to take a few steps back......
Below are the designs after discussion:
According to those features, we devise some strong images and want to use rich color combinations or some fusions of different styles of uppers. We want to lower age group and switch the basic appearance of casual shoes, also adjust the shape of the last. Perhaps we want to change too many things, the company wanted us to take a few steps back......
Below are the designs after discussion:
大底採用雙效果呈現(咬花+拋光) The outsole has dual effect of rough and polishing. |
In the end, the outsole texture is designed in rough grain to provide stronger friction with polishing edge. As for upper details with decoration stitchings and folding stitching.
LOGO也是一個強調的重點 Logo is one of the keys in design . |
We use uncommon moccasin construction stitching upper and add seams in other position to give some raw taste.
經典必賣鞋款 The classic |
As for the classic, we chose full grain cowhide with stamped logo to present it. The material creates fascinating results in different parts of the upper by tension variation.
比較年輕款的設計 The design for the young |
The stitchings are in different colors from the front and the back, and the vamp making is flap stitching combination, then the material is Nubuck and it gives the shoe in a mixture of rough and gentle.
資料參考: 寵物狗百科