2011年8月23日 星期二

Jai B 美國女鞋設計 JAI B COUTURE Collection

接觸 Jai B. Couture 這個品牌其實也算是緣分搭的線。話說這個品牌創辦人布朗小姐有天在網路上搜尋資料時,無意間發現了我們而決定展開第一步的接觸。只能說緣份這東西有時候還真讓人感到很奇妙,讓正想要發展品牌的她在地球另外一邊遇見了專門幫忙品牌設計產品的我們。

Marqoiusha Brown is the founder of  JAI B COUTURE. We met in a miraculous way... One day, she's doing some reserch from the internet, then she found our business info by accident, and this's how we started.


We had spent more than one month to communicate with each other before the business started. Because we didn't meet each other before, and it took some time for us to know each other's backgrounds and thoughts.

Jai B. Couture名字是來自於創辦人的祖父Johnny C. Brown所衍伸而來的,她的祖父是個大膽、風趣、有魅力的人。因為受到祖父的影響,促使了她有這股動力在2009年創辦了此品牌。

The line was named after her grandfather, Johnny C. Brown. He was a bold, charismatic and witty person. His inspiration led her to the line and established it in 2009 officially.


The line claims to break out new trends without breaking the bank. Everyone can have the benefit of fashion 247 with friendly price, no matter in daytime to work or in nighttime to the clubs. When we made the first contact to work together, it could tell that founder is just like brand identity: simple, sassy and sexy. In addition, it proves our point of view again; the brand represents the founder.

2009年開發出來的Jai B鞋款
The pump of the collection


The design project is 2010 Spring Summer collection, it consists of pumps, platforms, wedges and flats. The main materials are Lamb skin, weave and animal print embossed leather imported from Italy.


Furthermore, there are some early spring styles and party series accessories for pre-sale products. The features of this collection are tending to be simple, no unnecessary decorations with sassy and sexy characters. The profile of the collection is below:

春夏的季節怎能錯過涼鞋呢?! 也因為要強調實穿好搭配。所以就把簡單的線條鞋面帶進來不論是平底涼鞋或是高跟鞋可以讓消費者根據自己的高低喜好去做選擇。

How can we miss the sandals in summertime?! It is emphasized to be pratical to compliment the outfits, thus, we want to keep all the outlines of sandals simple. The collection provides a variety of shoes for customers no matter they are flats or high heels.

The wedge with sophisticated curve.


Girls love wearing wedges in summer, the difference between this wedge construction with others is it has sophiscated curve. It looks like a pair of high heels from the back; graceful and charismatic.
Further, the weave one gives some bohemia touch, and the animal print metallic shows a splendid manner.

Early spring pump

Early spring boot


The main material of early spring is silky lamb suede, this material has a wonderful touch, it always gives the shoes a delicate personality.

Party accessories-1

Party accessories-2


Those combinatioins are likely for some party and banquets, and the cluthes go with other shoes as well. The animal print emobossed leather is imported from Italy, it took almost a month to get the material, but it's worth the wait. Because It's hard not to look at those brilliant exotic creations.
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