接下 PONY 這設計案大約已經是在快2年多前的事,在偶然的情況下接觸到它的開發廠商也了解到老品牌想要試著在大陸這塊大餅市場找到新的定位以及新的切入點。
We had an accidental opportunity to meet the manufature two years ago. Therefore, we know that this brand wants to make a new stand out position in China market.
說到 PONY 就不得不提到另一個品牌 Converse 了!原因是因為大家太容易把它其中一系列的商品跟 Converse 這品牌的鞋款聯想在一起,老實說這類帆布鞋相似度幾乎是一模模一樣樣,大家充其量只能從鞋身上的品牌圖案或是品牌 LOGO來做區分,畢竟它的基本款式變化程度幾乎是零。再加上市場接受度超高所以太多它牌甚至是仿冒品牌不斷推出類似鞋款。
When we're looking for PONY shoes, they always remind us of Converse. On the one hand, those canvas shoes look almost the same,and on the other they are popular these days. So you can see many similar styles in the market, they only can be told by the logo probably.
如果沒有品牌LOGO在上面...真的有點混淆了...(右邊為PONY左邊為CONVERSE) It's pretth confusing if we don't look at the logo on the shoes. (PONY on the right; CONVERSE on the left) |
Since PONY wants to be standout in the market, we recommend not to present canvas shoes as first collection in China. The reason is it might not deliver a strong image to the market. Converse have got into China market for many years, and the consumer shows highly royalty for the brand. Aside from local brands for canvas shoes, Converse is their first choice foriegn brand for canvas shoes. At last, Converse has majority share with affordable price.
PONY專屬的勝利V的LOGO PONY V-shape(victory) pattern logo. |
PONY 創立於1972年,品牌命名取自19世紀美國西部郵遞驛站系統 (PONY EXPRSS),象徵秉持當年騎著小馬千里送信勇往直前全力以赴的理念。它另一個著名的識別符號就是象徵勝利(Victory)的V型 LOGO。
PONY International: reffered to as PONY commonly was founded in 1972, the brand is inspired from PONY express a fast mail delivery system in the 18th century. The spirit symbolizes Pony Riders do their best to deliver the mail, and the V-shape pattern of the logo stands for victory.
PONY老照片-當年籃球鞋廣告 PONY ad from the early 80's |
PONY老照片-相關運動鞋款 Archive pictures of variety sporty shoes |
品牌一推出相當受到 NBA 籃球明星的歡迎,在80年代幾乎1/4的NBA球員都是穿著PONY的鞋子,除了籃球鞋外,也開始在網球鞋、拳擊鞋、足球鞋上發展也的確受到不少好評。近幾年則多了幾個非專業運動的方向發展( 時尚潮流、復古、都市休閒等)。
During the mid-70s, nearly one-quarter of the NBA's players wore the shoe brand during game play. Apart from basketball shoes, tennis, boxing and football shoes were getting accepted as well. In recently years, the brand has expanded different categories like fashion, retro and urban... etc.
PONY老照片-非專業運動鞋款慢慢開始發展出它的味道 PONY Retro Ad |
了解PONY的發展歷史後,腦中開始對它所有發行的鞋款分類了起來,雖然在 台灣 PONY的普及度與知名度還算不錯,但因對岸在經濟所得提高與 生活型態 改變再加上許多國際文化進駐的影響下產生極大變化,許多品牌在這幾年內都在積極發展都市運動與都市休閒的鞋款,PONY便是其中一員。所以當然也開始增加了不少符合這市場的鞋款出現。
We start to sort out the shoes in the market after finding out the history of PONY. The info indicates many brands continually release urban sports and urban casual shoes in these years, so does PONY.
PONY在 南京 的鞋款發表會布置挺搶眼的 New collection announcement in Nan Jing, China(Apr 2011) |
大陸國內知名潮流明星-袁成杰代言 Chinese famous star Cheng-Jie Yuan is a spokeman for PONY |
與紐約設計師 Dee & Ricky 推出的聯名鞋款 The PONY X Dee & Ricky collaboration |
屬於年輕人的花俏、流行時尚把這一塊領域點綴得淋漓盡致,也成功吸引到不少目光,這對要幫它設計下一個主題的我們,的確給了不少 靈感 但也提高了許多挑戰難度....。最後決定以改變 PONY傳統鞋款結構當作設計重點......。
For this reason, we want to keep the spirit and make a different at the same time. Literally it is a challenge for us, after some discussions, then we came to the conclusion that we will transform the traditional sole construction as design key. To be continued...