Some say the first sign of aging process appears on feet. There are more than 500 muscles in the human body, and over two-thirds of muscles are center on the lower body. Aging causes muscle mass and muscle strength to decrease. Compare with young age, at age 60, the upper muscles of hands, arms and back still have 70 percent capacity, but, leg strength has 40 percent capacity left. Fitness walking is the movement that works over 98% muscles of the body; it can delay the aging process. Also it is globally recognized the most convenient, popular and easiest way to develop the habit of exercise.
《走路!不要跑步》(Walk, Don't Run)一書的作者史塔曼博士說:「健走是一項完美的運動。」
Dr. Stutman mentioned that walking is a perfect workout on his book ”Walk, Don’t Run”.
因為健走要求走路跨大步、速度敏捷、雙臂擺動、抬頭挺胸,它比慢跑安全,也比散步有效。對於很少運動或 30 歲以上的人,貿然跑步,膝關節、肌腱等,很容易受傷;對於心臟、腎臟、肝臟等器官或新陳代謝系統有問題者,也造成大量血流與氧氣的耗費。
Fitness walking requires taking long strides, speed and agility, swinging arms back and forth, keeping chin up and chest out. It is safer than jogging and more efficient than walking. Regarding to people who are over 30 years old or exercising less, running will make their knee joint or tendon get hurt easily. Further, it is considered a high-impact form of cardiovascular exercise for people who suffer from diseases of heart, kidney, liver or metabolic disorders; because running consumes large amounts of blood flow and oxygen.
Running is a tiring exercise for people who hardly do workout or elder people. It is recommended to practice fitness walking for 3 times a week, and 3 hours at a time. Cardiopulmonary function will get better at time and muscle strength will get stronger. Hope everyone saves your own health foundation and starts at a young age.
Walking is one of fitness trends, no wonder many brands get starting to provide relativity products.
飛亞踏 是第一個來接觸我們希望發展這類運動鞋的品牌,此品牌本身擁有一系列相關的大底模具、生產廠商,所以大底相關生產模具以及材料測試方面都有相當成熟的根基。
Fiataa was the first brand that we worked in walking shoes area. The company has sufficient resources in outsole mold and manufacturers. For this reason, the brand has mature foundations in outsole and mold production and material testing.
The key points of this project are overcome with the weight of sneakers and fresh constructions of uppers, further, the main market is focused in Mainland China . Based on those conditions, we set several directions for design demands as follows:
一) 大底採用一體成形雙密度結構,一般運動鞋不同密度的組件會分別生產出來後再進行黏合動作,而這次挑戰的是一次就生產出不同密度的大底。
Instead of traditional manufacturing process, we use integrated outsole with dual density, which is a different way of making sole units separately and combining into one outsole after.
二) 鞋面減少針車動作不但可減少生產時間也可以減少工廠人事成本。
2) Reducing stitching work of the upper is not only shortening the time of production, but also lowering administrative expenses.
一次成形的雙密度大底 Dual density injection-molded outsole. |
鞋面無車縫結構 Upper seamless construction. |
大底圓弧設計 Arched outsole design. |
Arced outsole can adjust muscle usage in walking. However, it is important to set up the right angle, or sports injury could occur.
雙密度+弧度設計 Dual density injection-molded and arched design outsole. |
無車縫鞋面設計 Seamless upper design. |
The design work has 8 constructions with different type of functions, and each construction sells in different areas and markets by distinct demands.
或許現在忙碌緊張的生活壓得大家喘不過氣來,也壓縮掉大家許多運動的時間,但是走路大家都會....最重要的是隨時在小細節上提醒自己,不需要花費太多時間只要從日常生活上開始就可以。為了無價的健康,Just Keep Walking!希望大家都能擁有健康的身心靈。
Many people experience excessive stress in their lives, also cut the time for doing workout because of busy schedule, but everybody can walk! Remind yourself regularly, taking some time for walking from daily life. Good health is priceless, just keep walking! Hope everyone has a healthy body, mind and soul.