2011年8月9日 星期二

英國環保品牌Po-Zu Po-Zu ethical and ecological footwear

The picture makes me want to lie in the grass.
今天要來介紹一個來自英國的鞋子環保品牌 Po-Zu,會介紹它的原因是因為它的環保貫徹執行度堪稱第ㄧ阿~~~

Po-Zu is the brand of ethical and ecological footwear from UK, it might be the number one eco-friendly company.

Easy-to wear style  

One of our favorites


Their style is not fashion trendy but long-lasting and classic. The shoes are made from selected natural materials and avoiding harmful glues by stitching all the components together which makes the shoes more breathable, durable, repairable and recyclable.

It looks like a lunch box

It is the biodegradable coconut box


It was nominated for the UK Green Awards 2008 for the best packaging, although it looks like a lunch box. The box is made from 60% coconut husk, and 40% natural latex. Also, it's not just a eco-friendly shoe box......

The box can be used as trays to grow seeds.


The biodegradable cocomut box can be used as trays to grow seeds. The entire pakaging can be planted into the earth where it will decompose and turn into earth once again as the plant grows.


One more product to be mentioned is......

The shoe cream


The company have developed a shoe cream that can be eaten!Isn't it cool?! Any body who has tried the taste, please let us know what it feels like, we wonder if it matches with bagel or toast......
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