這是印度設計師Hakkim Roshan為adidas設計的一種多用環保鞋帶→Adidas Switch
Adidas Switch is a multi-function eco friendly straps that concept was proposed to Adidas by Indian designer Hakkim Roshan
The whole concept is not only the strap is cut from waste textile pieces of shoes and bags, but also the attached velcro closure to the strap that can reduce the use of a plastic bag and directly carry the box instead.
These same straps can be disassembled easily and be used to close the shoe after acting as ordinary handles. Users can personalize these straps simply and paint, draw or mix colours on them.
南摩杰 最近也受委託進行關於環保議題的鞋業設計案,也更深體會到設計除了改良或創造出不同商品讓生活更美好外,更多了一份對環境的責任,畢竟消費行為就是一種資源消耗的過程,如何在既有行為上盡量減低消耗降低汙染,除了鼓勵綠色消費,身處前端開發的我們更有這個責任創造並研發更多相關產品才是。
Our Studio was commissioned to work out some eco friendly footwear projects recently, so we appreciate from experience of our duty for enviroment apart from creating products for a better life. Consumer behavior is a course of resource depletion, as the initiator of development process, it is our responsibility to decrease depletion rate and reduce pollution for saving nature.