2011年7月27日 星期三

鞋楦製作 Making shoe lasts

The soul of the shoe- The last

鞋楦 = 製作鞋子的模型。類似腳的形狀,無論在設計師前段設計鞋款、師傅後段成型製作以及底廠製作大底模型,楦頭都扮演著中心人物的角色。所以只要是身為鞋子製造者的任何一個環節的人員,都必須對楦頭有基礎的認識,尤其是設計人員!一個好的鞋款設計師對於楦頭更是需要有相當程度的了解,很多人都誤會楦頭全是技術師傅的責任,但是真正一開始決策楦頭線條形狀的卻是鞋款設計師。

The last is an abstract form in the close shape of the human foot. It plays significance role for designers or manufactures, no matter in design stage, lasting or bottom molding. Anyone who is working in any part of shoe manufacturing process should have basic knowledge of shoe last, especially footwear designer. In fact, a good footwear designer must have well knowledge of the last. Many people consider technicians should take fully responsibility for the last, but designers are responsible for it as well due to they are the one who make the decision of the shape of last.

2011年7月26日 星期二

Hush Puppies 設計案 The project of Hush Puppies

Hush Puppies 創立於1958年,創立動機是創始人在一場朋友的聚會上,發現小玉米球可以讓愛吠的 巴吉度犬停止吵鬧。(愛吠的狗常常被用來隱喻因為穿了不合式的鞋子而疼痛不舒服的腳),所以創始人就將這個聚會上的經驗想法運用在休閒鞋上,從此以後 Hush Puppies就成為舒適休閒鞋的象徵。

Hush Puppies was established in 1958, the creator was in a gathering that the farmers threw hush puppies (tranditional tried southern cornballs) at the hounds to quiet their barking dogs. Then he saw a connetion to his product by an idiom "barking dogs" for sore feet. So he considered his new shoes were so comfortable that they could "quiet barking dogs", then the brand became instantly recognizable as a comfy casual staple.

設計的價值 The value of design

Everyone is thinking what design is exactly.

We figure that many enterprisers and superiors of other irrelevance departments would like to know what the value of design is. At the same time, many designers are eager to stand up for themselves.

2011年7月24日 星期日

PONY設計案--70年代的運動品牌巨頭(二) PONY design project- One of the most iconic athletic brands in 70' (2)


We're looking for some new technic and method for manufaturing Since we decided to transform outsole construction.

Crocs 一體注模的鞋款相當受歡迎 
             Crocs single injection shoes are very popular

2011年7月23日 星期六

PONY設計案--70年代的運動品牌巨頭(一)PONY design project- One of the most iconic athletic brands in 70' (1)

This mid-finger luv bird ads made a big impression on people.

接下 PONY 這設計案大約已經是在快2年多前的事,在偶然的情況下接觸到它的開發廠商也了解到老品牌想要試著在大陸這塊大餅市場找到新的定位以及新的切入點。

We had an accidental opportunity to meet the manufature two years ago. Therefore, we know that this brand wants to make a new stand out position in China market.

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