2011年8月23日 星期二

Jai B 美國女鞋設計 JAI B COUTURE Collection

接觸 Jai B. Couture 這個品牌其實也算是緣分搭的線。話說這個品牌創辦人布朗小姐有天在網路上搜尋資料時,無意間發現了我們而決定展開第一步的接觸。只能說緣份這東西有時候還真讓人感到很奇妙,讓正想要發展品牌的她在地球另外一邊遇見了專門幫忙品牌設計產品的我們。

Marqoiusha Brown is the founder of  JAI B COUTURE. We met in a miraculous way... One day, she's doing some reserch from the internet, then she found our business info by accident, and this's how we started.

2011年8月14日 星期日

Shree Moni 美國女鞋設計 Shree Moni Collection

Shree Moni- Spring in Paris

在2007年,Shree Moni 這個品牌在美國誕生。此品牌精神是充滿著女性浪漫主義的,品牌創辦人Shari從小受灰姑娘玻璃鞋故事的影響,認為鞋對女生來說是非常重要的,ㄧ雙好鞋讓女生穿了可以有神聖的感覺。因此將高跟鞋的細節內容比喻跟女人ㄧ樣有自己獨特的形狀輪廓與姿態曲線,就是要讓女生藉著此品牌高跟鞋可以更有自信光采,更柔美的踏出屬於自己獨特氣質的女人味。

The owner of Shree Moni collection Shari, inspired by the "glass slipper" story told to her when she's little, she know how significant the shoe is in making a woman feel divine. So she started to conceptualize the line in early 2007. The goal was to design a shoe with a high fashion, avant-garde flair. It was important  to recapture femininity within footwear; women have such a presence and an undeniable aura, just like a well-crafted shoe. The complex details of shoe design mimic the femininity of the woman with its form, poise, curve and silhouette. She wants every woman to exude blossoming femininity and perfect splendor with each step made.

高跟鞋的發展 History of high heels

Every girl dreams of having a pair of her own glass heels


High heels is footwear that raises the heel od the wearer's foot apparently higher than the toes. High heels makes women instantly taller and walk in shorter steps, also that makes women bend their back, boost their breast, swiming their hips and strut, in other words: it helps to bring out attractive body posture.

2011年8月9日 星期二

我不是不友善,只是太害羞........but請將「自信與友善」寫在臉上 Don't be shy

Before we do anything, we need to have clear goals.

Extract from the book “Master of Communication” by Dai Chen Zhi

adidas 環保鞋帶 Adidas Switch: Eco-Friendly Straps

這是印度設計師Hakkim Roshan為adidas設計的一種多用環保鞋帶→Adidas Switch

Adidas Switch is a multi-function eco friendly straps that concept was proposed to  Adidas by Indian designer Hakkim Roshan

puma 聰明環保袋 PUMA clever little bag

PUMA clever little bag


As environmental consciousness has risen over the years, many brands are getting put money into the research and development, and PUMA is one of them.

英國環保品牌Po-Zu Po-Zu ethical and ecological footwear

The picture makes me want to lie in the grass.
今天要來介紹一個來自英國的鞋子環保品牌 Po-Zu,會介紹它的原因是因為它的環保貫徹執行度堪稱第ㄧ阿~~~

Po-Zu is the brand of ethical and ecological footwear from UK, it might be the number one eco-friendly company.

2011年8月8日 星期一

鞋款尺寸說明 Instruction of footwear size

If there's only one kind of shoe then the problem of footwear size would be much easier.


Speaking of shopping shoes, there seems to be a lot of confusion about standard measurement marks of footwear on the market. Online purchases keep growing in these days, thus it is important to have unity measurement mark standard. If not so, it costs sellers a lot of time and money, or consumers might lose their patience for exchanging goods back and forth.

2011年8月1日 星期一

好鞋難做(二) Make a good shoe is difficult (Part II)

影片(五) 是貼後跟的動作,鞋跟設定高度越高重複次數就會越多。也因為是皮底富有材料彈性,所以過程中需要不斷的修整、固定。上色前需要對皮底作最後也最仔細的修整及表面處理,接下來根據設計師配色要求進行上色,油墨經過皮纖維自然吸收會出現天然的紋路,這也是手工皮鞋迷人處之一。

This video of constructing the heel and the front of the heel is first marked on the shoe in pencil. The heel lifts cut out to make the heel are hammered, to compress the fibers and make the material as firm as possible. Further shoemaker begins dyeing the edge of the sole and the outside of the heel in black, and leather fiber appears natural grains via absorbing the ink, then that is one of reasons why handmade shoes are attractive to customers.

好鞋難做(一) Make a good shoe is difficult (Part I)

Shoemakers pour soul into every pair of shoes they make.


Make a good shoe is difficult. Have you ever thought, how long we wear our shoes on in a day everyday? Have you ever thought of how shoes to be made by how many labors under what kind of conditions? 
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